The following is a listing of some talks, papers, & processes spanning 2008 to 2016, loosely group by topic & catalogued in APA style ? –
- “Cooperative Management.” SPEA V241 Management Foundations & Approaches. Indiana University, Bloomington. 22 Sept. 2008.
- “L401: Cooperative Not-for-Profit Management & Philosophy.” School of Public & Environmental Affair: Indiana University, Bloomington. Fall Semester 2008.
- “Co-operation 101: Business IS What We Do.” Community Presentation: Isla Vista, CA. 01 June 2010.
- “Cooperative Business Planning.” NASCO Institute. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 08 Nov. 2009 (Organization is not Empire), 07 Nov. 2010 (Mapping Your Cooperative Landscape), 06 Nov. 2011.
- “Peer Educating & Organizing in the Upper Midwest.” Association of Cooperative Educators: Amherst, MA. 14 July 2015.
- “US Cooperative Development Sector Assessment.” CooperationWorks!: Denver, CO. 2016.
- “Launching a Cooperative Isn’t Easy.” Shareable. 15 February 2017.
- “Collecting Ourselves: A Cooperative Entrepreneurship Curriculum.” Northcountry Cooperative Foundation: Minneapolis, MN. 2017.
- “Cooperation Within the State & Without the State: An Explanation of the Dutch System.” Honors Thesis: Bloomington, IN: Department of International Studies, 2008.
- “Cooperative (n.).” TEDx: Black Rock City, NV. 30 Aug 2012.
- “IT Cooperation: Accessible, Free, & Open.” Participation in the Media Revolution – International Cooperative Alliance Global Conference: Cape Town, South Africa. 09 Nov 2014.
- “IT Cooperation: Accessible, Free, & Open.” LibrePlanet: Boston, MA. 23 Mar 2014.
- “A Living Cooperative: The Cooperative Organization Model in University Communities.” Capstone Project: Bloomington, IN: Leadership, Ethics, & Social Action – Political Science, 2007.
- “Cooperative Living.” Interchange. Community Radio WFHB, Bloomington. 02 Apr 2008.
- “Social Sustainability: Cooperative Housing in Bloomington, Indiana (A SWOT Analysis).” Bloomington, Indiana: Bloomington City Commission on Sustainability. 10 Dec. 2008.
- “Housing Coops in Isla Vista.” Community News. KCSB Radio, University of California – Santa Barbara. 19 Oct. 2010.
- “Youth, Students, & Cooperatives.” Ford Foundation: New York City, New York. 02 Nov. 2011.
- “Student Cooperatives: Initiation, Innovation, & Inter-cooperation.” Association of Cooperative Educators & Canadian Association for Studies in Cooperation Conference: Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 26 June 2012.
- “International Year of Cooperatives Closing Ceremony.” United Nations: New York City, New York.19 November 2012.
- “Building Movement Infrastructure.” Students for Cooperation Keynote: Birmingham, GB, UK. 14 February 2014.
- “The Language of Participation: Solidarity, Social Justice, Movement Building, & Other Dirty Words.” CDS CC Cooperative Cafe: Rochester, MN. 29 March 2014.
- “Coopérer pour transformer la société // Cooperar-para-transformar-la Sociedad // Cooperate to Transform Society.” International Summit of Cooperatives: Quebec City, Quebec. 09 Oct 2014.
- “Inter/national Solidarity Economy Building – Peoples’ Movement Assembly.” US Social Forum: Philadelphia, PA. 27 Jun 2015.
- “Global Cooperation at International Cooperative Alliance 2015.” Cooperative Grocers Network: Minneapolis, MN. 01 March 2016.
- “Cooperation Among Cooperatives – Principle 6 Guidance Note.” International Cooperative Alliance: Brussels, Belgium. 2016.
- “International Cooperative Youth Statement.” United Nations: New York City, New York. 19-20 Nov. 2012.
- “Youth-led Movements.” UK Society for Cooperative Studies: University of Essex, Colchester, GB. 27 September 2014.
- “Youth Statement on Cooperative Leadership.” International Cooperative Alliance: Antalya, Turkey. 10 Nov 2015.
- “Youth for #Coop: Cooperating Beyond Borders – Peoples’ Movement Assembly.” International Summit of Cooperatives: Quebec City, Quebec. 11 Oct 2016.
- “Youth for #Coop: Cooperating Beyond Borders.” Coops Europe & Centre des jeunes, dirigeants et acteurs de l’économie sociale: Brussels, Belgium. 17 Oct 2016.
- “Cooperative Youth Engagement in the US: Past, Present, & Future.” USA Cooperative Youth Council: United States of America. Research In Process.